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Gary zZz
Democracy in action at Metro DC DSA’s 2024 Local Convention
Gary zZz
Winter 2025
A brisk recap of the 2024 Metro DC Democratic Socialists' local convention.
Mass DC protest demands end to US support for Israeli apartheid
Gary zZz
November 2023
A mass protest erupted in DC on November 4th, 2023. The scale of turnout demonstrated mass desire for an end to US support for Israel's apartheid regime.
Genocide on Holy Lands
Gary zZz
October 2023
In response to attack, the Israeli government has launched a genocidal war against the Palestinians. What are the roots of this conflict?
Initiative 82: here's what to know
Gary zZz
October 2022
In November, DC voters will again be asked to end the subminimum wage.
DC's defund effort - one year out
Gary zZz
January 2022
In DC, the Defund MPD effort has found quiet success in changing policy and opinions on policing shared by the broader public.
What's up with the District's crime scare?
Gary zZz
August 2021
What would it take to reduce gun violence as we emerge from the pandemic? (Hint — more cops are not the solution.)
June 10th MPD Police Budget Hearing Roundup
Gary zZz
July 2021
On Thursday, June 10th, the Defund MPD coalition brought its case for reimagining public safety to the District Council.
A discussion on capitalist decay, digital aesthetics and virtual worlds
Gary zZz
March 2021
An annotated discussion on capitalism and virtual realities with the creators of Preserving Worlds.
State of the District Left
Gary zZz
February 2021
A decade of neoliberal retrenchment is finally starting to crack. Can DC's left recognize the moment?
Can we really force the vote?
Gary zZz
January 2021
The progressive project of forcing a vote on Medicare for All is high-stakes. Boosters from the commanding heights of lefty media are promoting the idea without fully acknowledging the effort it might entail.
Knives Out for the Left
Gary zZz
December 2020
With the election barely over, the Democratic Party has started flailing at their left flank - seemingly ignorant to the Republican offensive barreling towards them.
Hope in the Heart of Empire
Gary zZz
November 2020
Making sense of DC's local political campaigns, which are continuing on in the shadow of what is shaping up to be a tumultuous general election.
Days of Revolt: Notes on DC's Summer Uprising
Gary zZz
September 2020
The latest eyewitness reporting on protesters, hostile and often brutal police conduct, and Mayor Bowser’s duplicitous and self-serving maneuvers.
Defunding MPD
Gary zZz
July 2020
A wide network of activists and organizers, fueled by popular uprising in DC, provides a legitimate political opening for local change.
The Battle for Rent Control
Gary zZz
June 2020
Following pandemic hardship and fears of displacement due to impending recession, stronger tenant protections have never been more urgent.
Pixel Riot
Gary zZz
June 2020
Socialists on parade in the first game released by Pixel Pushers Union 512.
Navigating the Left-wing Rift
Gary zZz
May 2020
With the democratic primary effectively over, how did the left fail to rally decisively behind Bernie?
Reject the Return
Gary zZz
April 2020
It's tempting to believe that the dangers and calamity imposed by COVID-19 are unique. But COVID is only capable of mass proliferation because it feeds on the long-neglected externalities produced by our current arrangement of work and life.
Building Strategy
Gary zZz
March 2020
With Bernie on the edge of victory, how does the left think about its goals and objectives?