THE METRO DC CHAPTER of the Democratic Socialists of America held its yearly convention on December 7 and 8 of 2024. The affair was the largest local convention of its post-Bernie era – with over 180 people tapped in during Zoom and in-person. Through proxy voting, a count from the chapter’s steering committee reported that over 280 members were engaged in the two-day convention over the two day affair — a new record in the DSA's post-Bernie era.
On the floor, the body voted on 3 resolutions, 3 bylaw amendments and a handful of floor amendments and procedures. An additional 3 resolutions, 2 bylaw amendments and a 2025 chapter budget were adopted in a consent agenda. The results are summarized below:
All of the resolutions are available for reading on the chapter’s internal wiki, along with items passed in the consent agenda. But resolutions that passed on the floor are the most consequential for the chapter’s work over the next year:
Items in the consent agenda were not controversial – largely tidying up the chapter’s already impressive structure. BA1 clarifies the chapter’s approach to endorsing ballot resolutions, BA2 clarifies the process resolutions are proposed to the general body for membership, and CR6 identifies new pathways for YDSA to engage in the central life of the chapter.
Two ballots were also circulated to the wider membership before and after the convention: the first was an endorsement vote for Shayla Adams-Stafford for the PG County Council Special Election for District Council five; the second asked members to rank their vote for chapter secretary and to vote on the five priority resolutions proposed to the general membership. Shayla Adams-Stafford received over 99% of the vote for her endorsement. And five priority campaigns were selected (Internationalism and Palestine Solidarity, the work of the Bodily Autonomy (trans and reproductive rights) working group, Stomp Out Slumlords tenant organizing, labor solidarity work and the chapter’s utility municipalization campaign, We Power. These campaigns will receive additional funding and priority access to chapter resources.
The results of the decisions adopted by the body provide the chapter with a clear program moving into 2025. A number of changes will task the chapter – which is experiencing a huge growth in new and reengaged members – with an ambitious to-do list for 2025.