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Solidarity knows no borders. To win the world that we want, we can’t just fight for better conditions for the working class at home, but for total liberation of the working class in all corners of the world.
Into the Fire: Organizing Against Extreme Heat
Claire Mills
Fall 2024
As global temperatures rise, workers are making workplace safety and protections a new focus for labor. Farm workers, garment manufacturers, and delivery drivers have all found climate issues to organize around.
An old anti-war book for a new anti-war moment, or: can new dogs learn old tricks?
Doug C
Winter 2024
Palestine is a political nexus of colonialism and apartheid, a space that exposes the illiberal endgame of neoliberal politics.
Reading on international law and the war against Gaza
Editorial Crew
December 2023
Socialists can use a basic understanding of international rules to challenge intentional distortions of international law weaponized by the powerful.
Genocide on Holy Lands
Gary zZz
October 2023
In response to attack, the Israeli government has launched a genocidal war against the Palestinians. What are the roots of this conflict?
No Sympathy for Killers
Bill Mosley
April 2022
The world must demand of Russia: Stop the bombing and pull out the troops. Then we’ll talk.
A letter to the Western Left from Kyiv
Taras Bilous
March 2022
A letter from a socialist in Kyiv regarding the western left's response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
Counterpoint to Weekly Update’s Ukraine Statement
Elisabeth Stanley
March 2022
A response to the February 25th MDC DSA Weekly Update.
For Socialist Realism on Foreign Policy
Max B. Sawicky
February 2022
When it comes to the great and near-great powers, there are no good guys.
Thoughts on Bowman, the Left, and Palestine
Max B. Sawicky
January 2022
The controversy stirred up by Rep. Jamaal Bowman’s vote to fund Israel’s “Iron Dome” missile defense system and his meeting with the repulsive Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett raises questions about the posture of the US Left towards Palestinian liberation, Zionism and anti-Semitism.
On Electoral Tactics, Strategy and Accountability
Stuart K
December 2021
How should the local DSA approach electoral politics?
DSA Chapters Call on Biden to Lift Blockade on Medical Supplies to Cuba
David W
December 2021
Biden promised to undo Trump's harmful policies on Cuba - so far he's failed to act.
All prisoners are political, from DC to Palestine #FreeThemAll
Alexandra Melinchok
November 2021
Prisons in both the US and Palestine fragment communities and deepen systemic inequalities. We must recognize that all prisoners are political and no human being deserves to be incarcerated.
From Austin to Afghanistan: Outrages Against Democracy
Bill Mosley
October 2021
Taliban rule and the Texas far right’s legislative wish list of banning abortion and suppressing voting rights invite comparisons.
China and the Left: A Report from the People’s Forum
Ryan Mosgrove
October 2021
A recent forum out of NYC sought to challenge the American left on its approach to understanding US-China relations.
Unconditional and Unequivocal Support of Afghan Refugees
Aura Kaiser
September 2021
Socialists should provide unwavering support to Afghan refugees. Here's where we can help.
Interview with Jamie Woodcock and Sai Englert of Notes from Below
Sam DiBella
September 2021
This UK labor journal publishes worker-written correspondence with the aim of strengthening worker organizations.
What capitalist imperialism looks like from 'boots on the ground'
Metro DC DSA Vets
June 2021
Five socialist vets provide their thoughts on capitalism, socialism, imperialism, and the military.
Reflections on Organizing for Palestine in the US
Aura Kaiser
June 2021
Israel's propaganda tactics have not changed in over a decade - but their success is fading in the face of activist resolve.
Reflections from 1987: Sanctuary vs. Imperialism
Todd LeFurge
April 2021
The battle for the humane treatment of Central American migrants has roots in the US-backed wars in the region from many years ago.
John Sweeney: A Remembrance
Paul Garver
April 2021
The passing of the former labor leader's passing provides an occasion to look back on the role he played in guiding the progress of the labor movement out of the hysteria of the Cold War.
Book Review: Kim Stanley Robinson's 'The Ministry for the Future'
David Schwartzman
April 2021
For the eco-socialist left, Robinson's new sci-fi thriller should be seen as a great resource for inspiration and provocation
Considering Dr. Seuss
Bill Mosley
April 2021
The estate of Dr. Seuss was justified in ceasing the publications of several of his books. His legacy should be viewed against the entirety of his life’s (rather progressive) work.
Lessons From Leftist Movie Club
Dan Singer
February 2021
Engaging in the long leftist tradition of filmmaking and critique might be a means to help us envision what a post-capitalist order might look like.
MDC DSA Internationalism Working Group Finds New Focus
MDC's Internationalism WG
December 2020
For those looking to combat imperialism, dismantle the US war machine, stand in solidarity with comrades across borders — this piece will provide some context and guidance on where to start.
Socialism in the US Presidential Race -- A Japanese Media Perspective
Aura Kaiser
January 2020
This international perspective provides international affirmation of growing acceptance of anti-capitalism in the United States.
Medicare For All Or Endless War? It’s Our Choice
Lindsay Koshgarian
January 2020
How do we afford Medicare for All? We have to recognize that war profiteers endanger our safety and cost the US taxpayer massive amounts that can be redirected to human needs, including the one that most voters rank first -- fixing our broken health care system.
The myths that masked an imperialist war in Vietnam -- and how they were shaped
Woody Woodruff
November 2019
Chomsky's contributions trace the post-WW2 policy: corporate goals of commercial dominance and resource control in South and East Asia.
Different Worlds: Life in the German Democratic Republic
Kurt Stand
October 2019
[Grossman] writes of how when his wife visited the US (her first time in the West) after the Wall came down, she was shocked at the sight of beggars, for she had never before seen people so desperate for a meal.
Venezuela coup, the "Final Phase" -- US machinations stall but media revel in the myth
Adam Stromme
June 2019
Far from it being a matter for the “Venezuelan citizens and political officials” to decide, much of the wrangling has focused on cinching the noose around the Venezuelan people first and the assets of the Venezuelan state second.
Journalist Bill Blum spent a career exposing the nuts and bolts of US imperialism
Kurt Stand
April 2019
Remembering legendary journalist Bill Blum.
The Second Phase of the US Regime Change Operation in Venezuela
Adam Stromme
April 2019
Through force or fraud, through sanction or election, the Trump administration is attempting to install its preferred candidate atop the Venezuelan people.
"Warlike, and capable of anything" -- the US-backed coup in Venezuela
Adam Stromme
February 2019
Guaido represents the latest in a long, well, caravan of American-backed puppets seeking to smash the independence movements of Latin America in general, and the social democratic reforms of the Chavez era in particular.
Solidarité Avec Les Gilets Jaunes
Caroline Debnam
January 2019
The left must capitalize on this moment of mass mobilization and offer something different from the neoliberal capitalist globalization that elites like Macron and his friends pursue at the expense of the working class.
How Nationalism Feeds US Imperialism in Okinawa
Aura Kaiser
January 2019
The recent contentious relocation of the largest base on the island of Okinawa has exposed a bizarre cooperation between Japanese nationalism and US imperialism.
The socialist left must forge a competent and peaceful foreign policy
Caroline Debnam
November 2018
Democratic socialism must create ample space for a robust peace movement in material policy platforms. Authoritarianism, war, climate change and imperialism must be confronted with conviction.
Addressing climate change needs a short-term plan and a global one
Daniel Adkins
September 2018
To meet the danger of climate change, developed nations will need to organize a new global Marshall Plan with representatives from developing countries.
Using Trade to Develop Nations and Protect Workers
Daniel Adkins
January 2018
What would a good trade pact look like? Some ideas to consider.
Representing DSA at the European Parliament
David Duhalde
December 2017
Representing DSA on the international circuit.
Colonialism's Legacy: Neglect in Puerto Rico, Suffocation in DC
Bill Mosley
November 2017
If Puerto Rico is cursed by federal Washington's indifference and neglect, the District of Columbia has the opposite problem: suffocating micromanagement
Rooting labor action on climate change in the revolutionary struggle against alienation
Andy Feeney
September 2017
As a whole, the labor movement has not committed itself to ending greenhouse gas emissions that most scientists believe are likely to produce climate catastrophe by the end of this century.
DSA National Convention 25,000 and Counting
Kurt Stand
September 2017
Working through DSA's inevitable growing pains will require balancing the optimism of a mass movement with the realism of achieving "the left-wing of the possible."
From the Abused Heart of Coal Country
Lucy Duff
August 2017
Lucy Duff explores the devastation to the environment, communities and workers of mountaintop removal coal mining in West Virginia.
Leaving the Socialist International Would Be a Big Mistake
Enrique Calvo
August 2017
A local comrade defends DSA's relationship to the Socialist International, in response to a debate on involvement.
Progressive Values vs. New Realities: A Report
Chris Riddiough
July 2017
Though we saw populism in both the Trump and Sanders campaigns, it is right-wing populism that represents a threat in American politics.
Michael Harrington's "The Vast Majority" -- Forty Years On
Louis F. Cooper
July 2017
Harrington's book is notable for its candor: it admitted the complexities of the problems, their resistance to easy solutions, and insisted nonetheless that steps toward a more just global order were both possible and morally necessary.
Corbyn's surge shows inequality an issue on both side of the Atlantic
Dylan Shelton
July 2017
This new Labour party is a social democratic party that believes in something beyond the dreary inevitability of fear and despair proposed by Tories.
Pushback comes quickly to Trump's exit from Paris climate accord
Woody Woodruff
July 2017
Every level of economic and political society in the US -- except the GOP's federal monopoly -- expressed immediate and constructive pushback to Trump's decision to pull out of the Paris Climate Accord.
MDC DSA Members Vote to Maintain Observer Status in Socialist International
Andy Feeney
June 2017
Members of MDC DSA met to debate DSA's position in the Socialist International.
Response to the April 2017 DSA Internationalism Report
Enrique Calvo
June 2017
DSA should reject calls to leave the Socialist International.
Transit as a core of community success
Kurt Stand
May 2017
Transportation advocacy is key for introducing localities to the need for strong climate policy.
Issue-based working groups could have negative effect
Glen Pine
April 2017
Our group's expansion creates amazing opportunities for gaining ground in the battle against capitalism. We should take care to consider how our structure shapes how we approach the class struggle.
Ticks, mosquitoes & vector-borne disease: a new focus for Eco-Justice organizing?
Andy Feeney
April 2017
The galloping threat of vector-borne diseases that comes with warmer weather farther north in the US may offer organizing opportunities for ecosocialists.
Assessing Russia's threat without demonizing it
Kurt Stand
March 2017
To avoid the trap of allowing misleading rhetoric to dictate our policies, we need to continue to articulate and organize around an alternative world view.
McCarthyism in Maryland? Bill blacklists supporters of Palestinian human rights
Chip Gibbons
March 2017
Maryland lawmakers should not violate the free speech rights of their residents in order to continue a culture of impunity for violating Palestinian human rights.
No thanks To Trump, auto industry's savage restructuring is a long-term project
Austin Kendall
February 2017
Brutal restructuring borne on the backs of workers is forthcoming -- Trump is positioning himself to take credit for halting that.
Trump's Puzzling and Under-Covered Excursion to Mexico
Carolyn M. Byerly
January 2017
Trump's outreach to Mexico's business elite are better understood within a bigger historical frame, one defined by the very beginnings of neoliberalism.