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Cooperative economic models best replicate what life under socialism might look like. These articles provide context and shape to what that economic mode might look like.
What will the future of intentional housing look like?
Alex Mell-Taylor
Summer 2024
An interview on the barriers, promises and tribulations of intentional communities. Featuring three communities operating in VA, MD and DC.
The Socialist Case for TOPA
Alan Kelly and Ray Valentine
Spring 2024
Preservation of TOPA is more than just a foundational right for the DC's tenants, it is also a vital point of agitation between the rentier capitalist class and workers.
Book Review: Storms of the Revolution
Kurt Stand
Midsummer Edition
Connecting what is to what could be forms the framework of what the socialist movement is or should be about. A new anthology seeks to address this moment.
ATUN 2022 Convention shows potential of a nation-wide tenants network
Stephanie Bastek
Summer 2022
The enthusiasm and promise of a nation-wide tenants network was on display at the ATUN 2022 convention.
A discussion on capitalist decay, digital aesthetics and virtual worlds
Gary zZz
March 2021
An annotated discussion on capitalism and virtual realities with the creators of Preserving Worlds.
Building Dual Power: The Spreadsheets of Revolution
Michael M
February 2021
Local socialists have been quietly building out an anti-capitalist technical operation for use by the DC-area left. Its impetus and activities are outlined here.
Advancing Worker Ownership Through ESOPs
Bob Barracca
February 2021
An ex-machinist suggests that socialists should look to ESOPs as a way to expand worker control over the means of production.
A World Which Could Be Free
Dan Singer
January 2021
The anti-capitalist theories provided by the late-philosopher Mark Fisher can help us make sense of the tragedies inflicted by the coronavirus - and build a new class politics in its wake.
Can Co-ops Endure To Prefigure A Socialist World Together?
Morgan Fecto
October 2020
An investigation of how co-ops in DC are navigating the post-covid world reveals their resilience in the face of systemic turmoil.
Pixel Riot
Gary zZz
June 2020
Socialists on parade in the first game released by Pixel Pushers Union 512.
Cooperativism: The Need for a Proletarian Socialism
Kam W.
April 2019
Only through the combination of labor in the cooperative, the proletarian enterprise, can humanity walk the path to liberation of mind, body, and spirit. It is time for the working class to take their fate into their own hands.
After "the end of work," two perspectives on the future
Cecilio Morales
April 2017
As the nature of work becomes fundamentally upended by creative (and labor-abusing) technological-capital formations, novel perspectives are needed to combat these new modes of capitalist extraction.
A sometimes lyrical analysis of the future of work
Woody Woodruff
January 2017
Should socialists glorify labor? Or instead emphasize the possibility of a world without it?
Book Review: "Building the Commune: Radical Democracy in Venezuela"
Austin Kendall
January 2017
Ciccariello-Maher's tome reviews how the communal state was built in Venezuela -- not only to expand democracy but to rebuff right-wing retrenchment.