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January 2019
In this issue
Multistate decarbonization compact offers window for ecosocialist activism
Woody Woodruff
Environmental activism has been hampered by political boundaries in the DMV. A singular, multi-state public initiative could allow DMV socialists to engage in cross-jurisdictional ecosocialist work.
A New Vision of Work Possible at Google?
Daniel Adkins
In the fast-changing world of automation trending toward AI, tech workers could find themselves in the same boat as other workers sooner than they think.
How Nationalism Feeds US Imperialism in Okinawa
Aura Kaiser
The recent contentious relocation of the largest base on the island of Okinawa has exposed a bizarre cooperation between Japanese nationalism and US imperialism.
Solidarité Avec Les Gilets Jaunes
Caroline Debnam
The left must capitalize on this moment of mass mobilization and offer something different from the neoliberal capitalist globalization that elites like Macron and his friends pursue at the expense of the working class.
It’s Not the Economy, Stupid: Race, Identity and the White Working-Class Voter
Bill Mosley
Review of a new book from John Sides, Michael Tesler and Lynn Varveck which explores the intersection of race, identity, and the working class.
Good Reads for January 2019
Editorial Crew
Good reads for socialists, with links and summaries. Brain candy!
Green New Deal Fight: A Short-Term Loss But Gains for Ocasio-Cortez & Allies
Andy Feeney
Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal provides an opportunity for socialists to gain new credibility with a wide range of climate activists.
Organizing for Democracy and Social Justice in PG County
Kurt Stand
In Prince George’s County, a far too comfortable Democratic Party apparatus shuts out dissident voices and relies on low voter turnout to maintain power.