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A historically Republican state, massive population growth in Northern Virginia has revived a populist, working-class, and socialist character that had been long dormant in VA's Democratic Party.
New candidates, similar ideologies win out in 2024 NOVA primaries
Alex Y
Summer 2024
With turnout slightly above average, Democratic voters opt for status quo in local and federal primaries.
Alexandria residents pass "People's Ceasefire" resolution
Alex Mell-Taylor
Spring 2024
After seizing control of an Alexandria city council meeting, Northern Virginia locals introduced and passed their own resolution calling for an end to Israel's genocide.
What will the future of housing policy look like?
Alex Mell-Taylor
March 2023
A discussion with DSA member and Stomp Out Slumlords tenant organizer Katlyn Cotton on the socialist vision of housing.
What do YIMBYs of NOVA really want?
Alex Mell-Taylor
December 2022
YIMBYs of NOVA promises to "make housing affordable to all" through more development. However, its leaders' ideological commitments call to question just how much their proposals will result in real gain for NOVA's working-class.
Arlington County's "Missing Middle" is a Red Herring
Alex Mell-Taylor
November 2022
How Arlington rebranded Reaganomics as “diversity.”
What’s Really Behind Attacks on the Teaching of America’s Racial History
Bill Mosley
March 2022
What opponents of CRT are really afraid of is white students embracing solidarity with students of color in favor of social change.
Election Roundup 2021
Editorial Crew
December 2021
On election night 2021, nationally endorsed DSA candidates won over 25 local victories at the hyperlocal level.
Should Socialists Vote for Terry McAuliffe?
Editorial Crew
November 2021
The Governor's race in Virginia is too close to call — socialists should consider voting strategically
While We're Changing Names — Should 'Arlington' Go Next?
Bill Mosley
November 2021
The residual racism embedded in many place names around the country could well include the name Arlington
Why Tidewater DSA endorsed Nadarius Clark
Taylor Elddred
August 2021
...and what his victory means for the socialists of Portsmouth.
Critical Race Theory? Yes, Please
Bill Mosley
August 2021
When I think back on all the crap I learned in high school, it’s a wonder I can think at all.
Carry Me Back to New Virginny: From Jim Crow to Progressive Stronghold?
Bill Mosley
March 2021
In 2021, Virginia is a much-changed state absorbed by a blue wave that foretells an opening for progressive politics from Virginia to Florida.
Housing is a Human Right: Dispatch on the Fight against Evictions in Alexandria, VA
Adam Stromme
August 2020
In a housing market based on private pursuit of profit, the denial of the basic right to housing is a rule of business.
ስራ የለም? የቤት ኪራይ የለም!; Or, No Jobs? No Rent! Organizing Dispatch from Alexandria, VA
Adam Stromme
May 2020
The special impact of the COVID-19 health/economic crisis on working-class tenants around the DMV has generated mass protests, notably in Alexandria, to defy rent collection.
Feeling the Bern in Nova
Eric S
March 2020
An eye-witness recounting of the energy surrounding Bernie Sanders' rally in Northern Virginia.
La ColectiVA Calls on Virginia Politicians to 'Check Your Complicity' on Migrant Abuse
Aura Kaiser
December 2019
The Check Your Complicity campaign calls out Virginia elected officials who continue to benefit from violence against migrants, largely thanks to generous contributions from ICE contractors, while making a show of being on our side.
Grassroots vs. Segregation: The Ongoing Fight against Amazon HQ2 in Arlington
Aura Kaiser
July 2019
After Arlington County's vote, “For Us, Not Amazon” coalition will refocus around the issues we learned were the foremost concerns in the community.
Richmond DSA Hosts Virginia Statewide DSA Convention
Craig T.
March 2019
Virginia's DSA Statewide convention, recounted here.
NOVA DSA building power in "For us not Amazon" coalition
Hunter T.
March 2019
With only two weeks to go before the Arlington County Board is set to vote on its $23 million incentive package for Amazon, the fight is more important than ever, and there are plenty of opportunities for comrades to get involved.
Northern Virginia DSA: what's ahead in 2019?
Elizabeth Stafford
December 2018
Where do Northern VA socialists go in 2019?
Amazon HQ: The 800-Pound Gorilla in NoVa
Bob Guldin
December 2018
A community forum held in Crystal City/Arlington showed that many NoVA residents are worried about the impact that Amazon will have on their home towns.
Why we demand the abolition of ICE
Aura Kaiser
September 2018
We in the DSA recognize that no one is free or safe while this system of detention, deportation, fear, and intimidation, continues.
MDC DSA Amazon Critic assails local government tax breaks at Town Hall
Elizabeth Stafford
July 2018
As a corporation, Amazon’s interests begin and end with their own wealth and influence. Any promises of corporate responsibility or community benefit not nailed down in ironclad legal contracts should be considered empty.
Progressive pushback coalesces against local giveaways to Amazon HQ2
Alex Howe
June 2018
Our local leaders have shown time and again that they are unable and unwilling to fight for what's best for the marginalized in our region
Failure to fix Metrorail could hammer local economy, report finds
Woody Woodruff
June 2018
A dedicated-tax source for the funds is still necessary, despite the artful dodging of tax-shy local governments.
Metro jurisdictions, finally heeding DSA, agree to dedicated funding
Bill Mosley
May 2018
The idea of establishing a dedicated source of funds for WMATA dates back at least three-and-a-half decades — and one of its early proponents was the local chapter of Democratic Socialists of America.
How an academic economist in Northern Virginia fueled the Koch Brothers’ plan to undo democracy
Woody Woodruff
January 2018
Historian Nancy MacLean brings to the AFL-CIO book talk her account of the way the Koch Bros. anti-democratic project got its intellectual underpinning.
Join "Rebrand Washington Football" in its petition delivery to Ashburn
Bill Mosley
December 2017
For the past three years, the grassroots group Rebrand Washington Football (RWF) has been circulating petitions calling on the team to adopt a new name.
A Cascade of Press Clips on the Nov. 7 Election's Left Surge
David Shen
November 2017
A roundup of headlines and news clips commenting on election night, 2017.
Trump Fueled the Hate that Exploded in Charlottesville
Bill Mosley
September 2017
Emboldened hate groups followed Trump's example in a march on Charlottesville. Thousands, including dozens of members of Democratic Socialists of America, marched in a counter-demonstration to show with their presence that hatred and intolerance cannot go unanswered.
Longtime Alexandria DSA Member Alice Leonard Turns 100
Bill Mosley
August 2017
The 100th birthday celebration of a founding member of DSOC/DSA in our local and a Northern Virginia activist for over 70 years.
From the Abused Heart of Coal Country
Lucy Duff
August 2017
Lucy Duff explores the devastation to the environment, communities and workers of mountaintop removal coal mining in West Virginia.
The Potential Impact of Energy Micro Grids
Daniel Adkins
August 2017
Dan Adkins updates the development of micro-grids, independent energy sources that can deal big corporate power companies out of their dominion over power and prices.
Strength of resistance shows the failure of white nationalism
Sam Knight
August 2017
Sam Knight, one of the Metro DC DSA members to go to Charlottesville for the antifascist protest last weekend, provides an on-the-ground account of the events.
NOVA, MoCo branches extend diversity and reach of DSA
Wm. Hunter Tammaro
July 2017
The local branches, while still under the umbrella of the Metro DC chapter, give current members opportunities bring the socialist vision to bear on a wider range of issues.
DSA surge in Charlottesville primary battle had impact
Michael Payne
July 2017
A report on DSA's activism in the Virginia primary election, from a Charlottesville DSA comrade.
Local officials unite against NFL stadium extortion ploy
Bill Mosley
April 2017
The fate of RFK Stadium and the land on which it sits were put in play earlier this year when DC and Maryland political leaders, wary of a giveaway, went on the offensive.
Affordable housing in Arlington is a challenge for activists
John Reeder
March 2017
How gentrifying municipalities like Arlington lose their affordable housing -- and how to stop it.