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Kurt Stand
Understanding Our Past, Forging Our Future
Kurt Stand
Spring 2025
A misconceived history provides the backdrop of Trump’s MAGA appeal. A free future for the working class requires a real understanding of the past.
Dennis Serrette: Presenté
Kurt Stand
Spring 2024
Lifelong peace organizer and trade unionist Dennis Serrette has passed away at 83.
Book Review: The Man Who Changed Colors
Kurt Stand
December 2023
Bill Fletcher Jr.'s newest novel uses working-class realities as fuel for gripping mystery.
Ceasefire is a first step towards justice at home and abroad
Kurt Stand
November 2023
The demand for a ceasefire is a demand for justice. It is also part of a campaign to cut spending on bombs to further fund social support at home and abroad.
Book Review: Storms of the Revolution
Kurt Stand
Midsummer Edition
Connecting what is to what could be forms the framework of what the socialist movement is or should be about. A new anthology seeks to address this moment.
May Day Pasts: Moments and Movements
Kurt Stand
May 2023
To celebrate May Day as a single event can lead one to miss the spirit that animated its origins as an international workers holiday.
Congress, Justice and Statehood: A question of democracy
Kurt Stand
April 2023
Congressional denial of the rights of DC residents has always been built on demagogy and resentment.
Peekskill, 1949: What Was Lost, What Remained, What It Means Today
Kurt Stand
April 2022
A look back at the late 1940s and its lost opportunities ought to give socialists pause as we consider the left's situation today.
Richard Trumka and the Search for Political Independence
Kurt Stand
September 2021
Famed union leader Richard Trumka died suddenly last month at age 72. Socialists should remember his legacy to ensure labor's revival.
Recap of PG County DSA Labor Meeting: Focus on Amazon
Kurt Stand
April 2021
A labor contingent in PG County reviewed organizing efforts at Amazon and eco-socialist organizing around the PRO Act.
The DSA begins its Prince George's chapter
Kurt Stand
February 2021
Organizers in PG County have finally come together to help build socialism in Maryland.
Voter Suppression and the State of American Democracy
Kurt Stand
November 2020
The danger of authoritarian rule is real. Only broad electoral unity can face down the forces of capital that stand behind Trump's megalomania.
The Global Commons and Solar Energy: A Review of David Schwartzman’s New Book
Kurt Stand
November 2020
A review of David Schwartzman's new book, which imagines the possibility of a green future within the context of class struggle and socialism.