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January 2020
In this issue
Medicare For All Or Endless War? It’s Our Choice
Lindsay Koshgarian
How do we afford Medicare for All? We have to recognize that war profiteers endanger our safety and cost the US taxpayer massive amounts that can be redirected to human needs, including the one that most voters rank first -- fixing our broken health care system.
Planting Seeds: to Defeat Trump, to Transform Society
Kurt Stand
The majority of the country is opposed to Trumpism, but this opposition is much more heterogeneous than the right-wing alliance. This poses big challenges to a Left that wants to build broad unity in defeating the Trump and the GOP in the 2020 elections.
Promoting Action on Diversity Equality and Inclusion
Ronald E Stubblefield
Conversations are taking place around Maryland on diversity, equity and inclusion practices (DEI). The writer, a Baltimore attorney, provides context about where various parties are starting from, historically, in terms of power and emphasizes
Socialism in the US Presidential Race -- A Japanese Media Perspective
Aura Kaiser
This international perspective provides international affirmation of growing acceptance of anti-capitalism in the United States.
New Year's “Revolutions” for Socialists
Bill Mosley
There are numerous changes in our individual behaviors and practices that can help move the struggle forward, if only a little, by injecting a little socialism at the grass roots. After all, virtually every important social change started with an individual taking action.
Is It Time To Regulate Or Nationalize Facebook?
Thom Hartmann
While Facebook is currently embroiled in a controversy over whether it’s wrong for it to allow Trump’s political advertising that contains naked lies, the debate over fully or partially nationalizing the platform has gotten much less coverage.
Socialist Heritage Caucus Examines Past of DSA and the Left
Bill Mosley
The Caucus mission statement cited its purpose as the exploration of “the history of DSA both locally and nationally, as well as the history of left politics and culture locally, nationally and internationally, in order to provide a historic perspective that can contribute to the present-day thinking and practices of Metro-DC DSA.”