Supports repealing the subminimum wage and raising the subminimum wage by passing Initiative 82. Voted against overturning I77 in 2018 (DC voted 55-45 in favor of I77).
Released a policy platform which decenters policing in building public safety. Supports a jobs guarantee to address roots of violence. Supports an MPD audit to determine appropriate staffing levels. Opposed Bowser's violent encampment evictions.
Signed the public power pledge. Co-introduced legislation to build social housing and accelerate removal of lead pipes.
> DC for Democracy
> Washington Teacher's Union
> Our Revolution DC
> Working Families Party (DC)
> DC Latino Caucus
> Jews United for Justice
> Capital Stonewall Democrats
> DC Nurses Association
> National Assoc. of Social Workers (DC)
> AFGE Local 1975
> AFSCME District Council 20
> AFGE Local 1975
Refused to sign I82 petition when asked in 2021, and publicly opposed I77 in 2018. Will support I82 if passed.
No clear position. Bowser has stacked government working groups with landlords and developers opposed to strengthening rent control. Has stated support for maintaining rent control where it is.
No recorded position. Opposed Pepco-Exelon merger; pursued a negotiated settlement with Pepco to ensure affordable rates for residents.
> Greater Greater Washington
> UNITE HERE Local 23
> UNITE HERE Local 25
> Metro Washington Labor Council
> Teamsters
> DC Area Realtors
> Democrats for Education Reform
Opposes raising the tipped wage. Voted to overturn the will of voters in 2018 despite Ward 8 voting 67-32 in favor of I77.
Co-introduced the Reclaim Rent Control platform in 2020 which failed to advance out of committee. DC's rent contorl laws were reauthorized in 2020 without being strengthened or expanded.
Called for more investment into violence interruption programming. Opposed Mayor Bowser's violent encampment evictions. Voted to stop the removal of MPD from schools (despite previous support).
No orientation towards public power observed. Co-introduced Green New Deal legislation to establish social housing and accelerate removal of lead pipes from DC.
> blank
Does not support police divestment, wants to hire more police. Does not support decrim sex work or drug use.
Signed the public power pledge.
> blank
Supports ending the subminimum wage. Wants to develop a Council that responds and respects ballot initiatives, referendums, and voter demands.
Supports strengthening and expanding rent control, including to newer units. Opposes means testing rent control, which would destroy the tool. Believes housing policy should satisfy housing as a human right.
Supports implementing findings of the PRC, including decrim sex work and drug possession, and establishing overdose prevention facilities. Wants better protocols in the Council for proper oversight of jails and MPD.
> DC for Democracy
> DC Tenants Advocacy Coalition
> Washington Teachers' Union
> Our Revolution DC
> Working Families Party (DC)
> DC Latino Caucus
> Jews United for Justice
> Greater Greater Washington
> Capital Stonewall Democrats
> DC Women in Politics
> Nat'll Assoc of Social Workers
Did not support I77 and engineered the repeal. Failed to fund legislation to address concerns wage theft for tipped workers. Would not overturn I82, but does not support it.
Leveraged position as Council Chair to stop the RRC platform. Booted Councilmembers who introduced rent control legislation. Does not support expanding rent control. Does not support means testing rent control.
Does not support divestment. Supports decrim drug possession and use, does not support a drug treatment center or decriminalizing sex work. Voted to keep police in schools. Supported Bowser's violent encampment evictions.
Has previously been criticized for voting on matters involving Pepco due to his stock holdings in the company.
> AFGE 1975
> SEIU 32BJ, 1199 and 26
> UFCW 400
> DC Firefighters Assoc 36
> IBEW 26
> Metro DC Building Trades Council
> AFL-CIO Labor Council
> DC Association of Realtors
Did not support I77, but voted against repeal of initiative (I77 passed 57-43 in Ward 1). Has stated support for I82, and opposes overturning a referendum.
Introduced the Reclaim Rent Control platform in the Council in 2020. Supports dynamic expansion of rent control. Supports expanding rent control to smaller bldgs. Skeptical of means-testing RC units.
Voiced support for MPD divestment, but open to increasing force size. Co-introduced legislation to decrim sex work. Supports drug decrim and a drug treatment center. Led effort to halt encampment evictions. Voted to remove cops from schools.
Signed the public power pledge and committed to aiding in advancing legislation. Co-introduced legislation to est social housing and accelerate lead pipe removal.
> DC for Democracy
> DC Tenants Advocacy Coalition
> Washington Teachers' Union
> Working Families Party (DC)
> DC Latino Caucus
> Jews United for Justice
> Greater Greater Washington
> Capital Stonewall Democrats
> AFGE 1975, LIUNA and AFL-CIO Local
> SEIU 32BJ, 1199 and CIR
> Int'll Assoc of Firefighters 36
> Nurses United and NASW
Unable to explain housing policy in detail (and a tenant housing forum early). Stresses home ownership to solve housing unaffordability (an anti-rent control non-sequitur). Actively avoids discussing position on rent control.
Has consistently emphasized the need to expand DC's police force and budget in defiance of the PRC's findings. Supports decriminalizing sex work and drug use. Supports Mayor Bowser's violent encampment evictions.
No orientation observed.
> blank
Will respect the will of voters and opposes overturning ballot initiatives. Indicated support for a business subsidy to address business concerns.
Indicated support for adopting elements of the RRC platform. Supports dynamic expansion of rent control. Supports expanding rent control to smaller bldgs. Open to means-testing rent control.
Supports diverting funding from MPD, does not support more officers,. Has criticized incumbent for failing to coordinate with MPD. Supports decrim of sex work and drug use, supports establishing a drug treatment center.
> blank
Supports repealing the subminimum wage and raising the subminimum wage by passing Initiative 82.
Stresses the need to expand and strengthen rent control, citing the Reclaim Rent Control platform specifically as a model for expanding rent control. Supports expanding rent control for four-unit buildings.
Supports decriminalizing sex work and drug use. Supports establishing drug treatment centers. Cites community reinvestment as necessary to addressing community violence. Fully supports recommendations of police reform commission.
No orientation towards public power observed. Supports GND legislation introduced by activists in the District.
> Cleveland Park Smart Growth
Supports repealing the subminimum wage and raising the subminimum wage by passing Initiative 82.
Supports expanding rent control to newer units. Opposes expanding rent control to four-unit buildings.
Supports embracing police reform commission findings. Supports police-free schools. Thinks sex work decrim should be left to public referendum. Supports establishing an overdose prevention facility and decrim drug possession.
No orientation towards public power identified. Supports GND legislation introduced by activists in the District.
> DC Tenants Advocacy Coalition
> Washington Teachers' Union
> Jews United for Justice
> Greater Greater Washington
> DC Firefighters Association
Supports repealing the tipped minimum wage.
Has stated support for expanding rent control. Also stresses a build-more approach to housing. Supports expanding rent-control to four-unit buildings.
Supports decriminalizing sex work with caveats. Supports establishing overdose protection facilities and decriminalizing drug possession. Supports moving away from mass incarceration, but is reluctant to support police defunding.
No orientation found.
Does not support I82, unclear if he would try to overturn the will of voters.
Strongly opposed to expanding and strengthening rent control. Has made racist, classist comments about recipients of housing vouchers in the city, and has proposed isolating voucher holders in specific sites.
Endorsed by the DC Police Union. Wants to dramatically add more police to 4,000 officers. Unclear positions on drug and sex decriminalization.
No orientation found.
> AFGE Local 1975
> Small Multifamily Homeowners Association
> DC Association of Realtors
> DC Police Union
> Democrats for Education Reform
Unclear positioning on broad expansion of rent control, supports means testing housing support. Supports expanding to newer units.
Supports decriminalizing sex work and drug possession, and establishing an overdose prevention facility. Open to reallocating MPD funding. Supports increasing size of the force to 4,000.
No orientation found.
> blank
Opposed to Initiative 82, but would not overturn I82 if passed.
Broadly opposed to strengthened of rent control. Opposes expanding rent control to newer units. Supports reducing yearly rent controls.
Supports more police. Unclear position on sex decriminalization. Supports establishing an overdose prevention facility. Supports decriminalizing drug possession.
No orientation found.
> blank
Has no public position.
Supports expanding rent control to newer units.
Supports increasing the size of MPD to 4,000 officers.
Monte's consulting firm represented Pepco in the past. Leveraged Pepco connections to develop propaganda for the company.
> blank
Opposed to expanding rent control. Opposes expanding rent control to four unit buildings.
Does not support divesting from MPD. Supports increasing size of the force to 4,000 officers. Supports decriminalizing sex work, drug possession, and establishing an overdose prevention facility. Supports removing police from schools.
No orientation observed.
> DC Women in Politics
Supports expanding and strengthening rent control broadly. Supports expanding rent control to newer units.
Supports "depackaging" the police. Does not support increasing the size of the force to 4,000 officers.
No orientation towards public power observed. Supports GND legislation introduced by activists in the District.
> blank
Supports repealing the subminimum wage and raising the subminimum wage by passing Initiative 82.
Supports expansion and strengthening of rent control as a mode for creating affordable housing for DC's working class. Supports expanding rent control to newer and smaller bldgs, establishing a dynamic date.
Supports decriminalizing sex work and drug possession, and establishing a 24/7 drug treatment center. Supports full recommendations of the reform commission and supports a full audit of the force.
Signed the public power pledge and has rallied to motivate action. Supports legislation to build social housing and accelerate lead pipe removal.
> Metro DC Democratic Socialists
> DC for Democracy
> DC Tenants Advocacy Coalition
> Sunrise Movement DC
> Washington Teachers' Union
> Our Revolution DC
> Working Families Party (DC)
> Jews United for Justice
> Greater Greater Washington
> Capital Stonewall Democrats
> SEIU 32BJ, 1199 and CIR
> Firefighters' Assoc and AFL-CIO
Supports ending the tipped minimum wage.
Is open to strengthening rent control and expanding rent control to newer buildings (but has provided varying answers in other forums). Wants to means-testing rent control.
Supports adding up to 4,000 MPD officers. Does not support decrim sex work. Supports Mayor Bowser's violent encampment evictions. Supports drug decrim and establishing a 24/7 drug treatment center.
No orientation observed.
> DC Women in Politics
Vague on strengthening rent control and was unwilling to commit to expanding rent control to new units. Given connections to the business lobby and realtor associations in the city, should take commitments with caution.
Opposed to police defunding and supports building up to 4,000 officers, has cited need to address root causes. Opposed to police free schools.
Served as regional vice-president of Pepco, has close ties to corporate lobbyists. Voted to gut funding to study study creation of a public power utility.
> blank
Would not vote to overturn Initiative 82.
Open to strengthening rent control, supports expanding to new units and creating a dynamic start date.
Has evaded clear positioning on subject of police and policing. Supports "community" policing and expanding funding for MPD and supports building up to Bowser's proposal of 4,000 officers.
No orientation towards public power observed. Supports GND legislation introduced by activists in the District.
> blank
Supports I82 and voted against the repeal of I77 in 2018.
Supports pegging rent control to a dynamic date and applying to newer buildings.
Vague positions on decrim sex work and drug possession. Supports an overdose prevention facility. Vague position on MPD divestment. Has provided space for Defund activists in police budget hearings. Supported Bowser's violent encampment evictions.
No orientation towards public power observed. Supports GND legislation introduced by activists in the District.
> DC for Democracy
> DC Tenants Advocacy Coalition
> Washington Teachers' Union
> Working Families Party
> Jews United for Justice
> Greater Greater Washington
> UFCW 400
> DC Association of Realtors
Supports initiative 82 and ending the sub-minimum wage.
Supports strengthening and expanding rent control and tenant protections. Supports eliminating voluntary agreements and hardship petitions. Skeptical of means testing rent control.
> DC Tenants Advocacy Coalition
> Working Families Party
> Greater Greater Washington
Supports I82.
Supports expanding rent control to newer units, limit yearly increases.
Supports expanding jobs to reduce crime and divesting from police. Uncommitted to decrim sex work. Supports overdose prevention facilities and decrim drug possession.
No observed position.
> DC Latino Caucus
> Washington Teachers' Union
Voted to repeal initiative 77 in 2018, overturning the decision of voters. Now claims to support ending the sub-minimum wage.
As chair of the housing committee, failed to advance legislation to strengthen and expand rent control. Stalled and eventually killed the 2020 push to advance significant rent control expansion.
Called for hiring more police and increasing presence. Voted to remove cops from school. Supported Bowser's violent encampment evictions. Co-introduced sex decrim bill in 2019. Supports drug decrim and establishing treatment facilities.
Introduced a successful amendment to gut funding which would have studied the creation of a public power utility. Supports GND legislation.
> LiUNA!
> DC Assoc. of Realtors
> Unite Here Local 25
Supports ending the sub-minimum wage,
Supports expanding rent control. Will reintroduce the RRC platform immediately if elected. Supports eliminating voluntary agreements and reducing hardship petitions. Skeptical on means testing.
Supports decrim sex work and drug possession, and establishing a drug treatment facility. Supports divesting from MPD to invest in programming that addresses root causes of violence.
> Jews United for Justice